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Token Callbacks#

To address the issue of tokens without expiry dates or revoked tokens passing standard JWT validation, it's essential to verify if the provided token in the request has been revoked. Typically, this involves comparing the token against a blacklist of non-expired revoked tokens.

AuthX facilitates this revoked token check through a custom callback system.

Example Usage#

from typing import Optional
from fastapi import FastAPI, Depends
from authx import AuthX, RequestToken


app = FastAPI()
security = AuthX()

def is_token_revoked(token:str) -> bool:
    """Check if given token is revoked"""
    return token in REVOKED_TOKEN

# We define dependency here to avoid code repetition
get_token_dep = security.get_token_from_request(
get_optional_token_dep = security.get_token_from_request(

def login():
    token = security.create_access_token(uid="")
    return {"access_token": token}

def get_token(token: Optional[RequestToken] = Depends(get_optional_token_dep)):
    if token is not None
        return f"Your token is: {token} and is located in {token.location}"
        return "No token found"

@app.get("/token/mandatory", dependencies=[Depends(security.access_token_required)])
def get_token(token: RequestToken = Depends(get_token_dep)):
    return f"Your token is: {token} and is located in {token.location}"

@app.delete("/logout", dependencies=[Depends(security.access_token_required)])
def logout(token: RequestToken = Depends(get_token_dep)):
    return "OK"

@app.get("/profile", dependencies=[security.access_token_required])
def profile():
    return "You are authenticated"

Define and assign the callback#

First we need to create a function with a first token str positional argument. This function should return True is the token is considered revoked, False otherwise.

AuthX provides a AuthX.set_callback_token_blocklist decorator to assign a custom callback for revoked token validation.

Once a callback is assigned with AuthX.set_callback_token_blocklist, every time a valid token is required, the user defined callback is executed to check if the token is revoked.

We define the is_token_revoked callback as a function taking token as a main str positional argument and returning a bool

TYPE Callable[[str, ParamSpecKwargs], bool] or (str) -> bool

from typing import Optional
from fastapi import FastAPI, Depends
from authx import AuthX, RequestToken


app = FastAPI()
security = AuthX()

@security.set_callback_token_blocklist # (1)!
def is_token_revoked(token:str) -> bool:
    """Check if given token is revoked"""
    return token in REVOKED_TOKEN
  1. You can set callbacks with the AuthX decorator syntax, but the following method call would also work

    def is_token_revoked(token:str) -> bool:
        """Check if given token is revoked"""
        return token in REVOKED_TOKEN
    security = AuthX()

Setting Callback syntax

You can set callbacks with the AuthX decorator syntax, but the following method call would also work

def is_token_revoked(token:str) -> bool:
    """Check if given token is revoked"""
    return token in REVOKED_TOKEN

security = AuthX()

Feature Proposal - Decorator Naming

The verbosity of AuthX.set_callback_token_blocklist might encourage us to add shorter aliases in next releases

Setting the dependencies#

To avoid code repetition we define callbacks as follow. This step is not necessary but allows for cleaner code. We use the AuthX.get_token_from_request to create a dependency that returns a AuthX.RequestToken instance.

RequestToken describe the JWT information contained in request. It acts as a dataclass containing a str token, a type parameter to declare the type of token expected, a location to define where to token is located in request and a csrf double submit token if necessary.

# We define dependency here to avoid code repetition
get_token_dep = security.get_token_from_request(
get_optional_token_dep = security.get_token_from_request(

We created 2 dependencies, get_token_dep & get_optional_token_dep, the main difference is based on the optional argument.

get_optional_token_dep return type is Optional[RequestToken], meaning the execution will continue even if no token is available in request.

get_token_dep return type is RequestToken, meaning the dependency will enforce token availability in request, and raise a MissingTokenError otherwise.


The AuthX.get_token_from_request dependency does not check the token validity, it only returns the token if found in request. If no token appears in the request the dependency will return a None value.

If you need to ensure a token is available use this dependency in conjunction with the AuthX.token_required dependency

def get_token(token: Optional[RequestToken] = Depends(get_optional_token_dep)):
    if token is not None
        return f"Your token is: {token} and is located in {token.location}"
        return "No token found"

@app.get("/token/mandatory", dependencies=[Depends(security.access_token_required)])
def get_token(token: RequestToken = Depends(get_token_dep)):
    return f"Your token is: {token} and is located in {token.location}"

To showcase differences from the previously defined dependencies we coded 2 routes with a dummy principle, return the token and its location.

The /token/mandatory endpoint depends on both get_token_dep as a function dependency to retrieve the token and AuthX.access_token_required as a route dependency to enforce JWT validation.

The /token/optional endpoint does not require a token to be passed in request, and even if a token is passed it does not need to be a valid one.

Revoke a token#

In our example when the user request the DELETE /logout endpoint, we log out the user by adding the token in a blocklist. The same blocklist used to check for revoked tokens.

@app.delete("/logout", dependencies=[Depends(security.access_token_required)])
def logout(token: RequestToken = Depends(get_token_dep)):
    return "OK"

Revoking Access & Refresh

If during login you generated a couple of tokens as one access and one refresh token, ensure that both tokens are revoked. Since a user can use a refresh token to generate new access tokens, revoking only the access token is not enough to log out the user.


Again, even if we require /logout to have a token in request thanks to the get_token_dep, we also need to ensure this token is valid and therefore we also add the AuthX.access_token_required dependency.

# No credential is provided
$ curl -s
 Internal Server Error # (1)!
  1. The 500 Internal Server Error HTTP Error is the expected behavior because no error handling has been done
# Endpoint with optional=True
$ curl -s
"No token found"
# Endpoint with optional=False
$ curl -s
Internal Server Error # (1)!
  1. The 500 Internal Server Error HTTP Error is the expected behavior because no error handling has been done
# We generate a token to be conserved
$ curl -s
{"access_token": $TOKEN}
# We generate a token to be revoked
$ curl -s
{"access_token": $REVOKED_TOKEN}
# We call /logout with the token to be revoked
$ curl -s --oauth2-bearer $REVOKED_TOKEN
# A genuine token is provided
$ curl -s --oauth2-bearer $TOKEN
"You are authenticated"
# A revoked token is provided
$ curl -s --oauth2-bearer $REVOKED_TOKEN
Internal Server Error # (1)!
  1. The 500 Internal Server Error HTTP Error is the expected behavior because no error handling has been done
# /token/optional returns a 200 for any tokens because no validation is required
$ curl -s --oauth2-bearer $TOKEN
"Your token is: $TOKEN and is located in headers"
$ curl -s --oauth2-bearer $REVOKED_TOKEN
"Your token is: $REVOKED_TOKEN and is located in headers"

# /token/mandatory applies a validation step
$ curl -s --oauth2-bearer $TOKEN
"Your token is: $TOKEN and is located in headers"
$ curl -s --oauth2-bearer $REVOKED_TOKEN
Internal Server Error # (1)!
  1. The 500 Internal Server Error HTTP Error is the expected behavior because no error handling has been done

Using SQL ORM (sqlalchemy)#

In a real world scenario, the token blocklist would be stored in a database. Here is an example using SQLAlchemy to store the revoked tokens.

from typing import Optional
from fastapi import FastAPI, Depends
from authx import AuthX, RequestToken
from sqlalchemy import create_engine, Column, String
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker

Base = declarative_base()

class RevokedToken(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'revoked_tokens'

    token = Column(String, primary_key=True)

engine = create_engine('sqlite:///./revoked_tokens.db')

SessionLocal = sessionmaker(autocommit=False, autoflush=False, bind=engine)


app = FastAPI()
security = AuthX()

def is_token_revoked(token: str) -> bool:
    """Check if given token is revoked"""
    with SessionLocal() as session:
        return session.query(RevokedToken).filter_by(token=token).first() is not None

# We define dependency here to avoid code repetition
get_token_dep = security.get_token_from_request(
get_optional_token_dep = security.get_token_from_request(

def login():
    token = security.create_access_token(uid="")
    return {"access_token": token}

def get_token(token: Optional[RequestToken] = Depends(get_optional_token_dep)):
    if token is not None:
        return f"Your token is: {token} and is located in {token.location}"
        return "No token found"

@app.get("/token/mandatory", dependencies=[Depends(security.access_token_required)])
def get_token(token: RequestToken = Depends(get_token_dep)):
    return f"Your token is: {token} and is located in {token.location}"

@app.delete("/logout", dependencies=[Depends(security.access_token_required)])
def logout(token: RequestToken = Depends(get_token_dep)):
    with SessionLocal() as session:
        revoked_token = RevokedToken(token=token.token)
    return "OK"

@app.get("/profile", dependencies=[security.access_token_required])
def profile():
    return "You are authenticated"